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Eugene Thomlinson, Canada

Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program Awardee

Eugene Thomlinson

“The exchange allowed me to directly interact with partners and potential partners in their communities and fully understand the conditions they are operating under. I now better appreciate what is and is not possible with the resources and infrastructure available in the region. I am able to speak with my students and other instructors from a first-hand perspective about the area we are collaborating in with our community development field projects. Travelling to the region demonstrated to our partner institution a level of commitment from Royal Roads University (and Canada), which has strengthened the bond between our universities, and is leading to new arrangements, collaborations, and research projects. Most unforgettable however, would be meeting with individuals who are potentially going to benefit from the tourism development projects our students and school are working on with our partners in Mexico.”

ITESO Jesuit University of Guadelajara

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